Surs phone number. Visit the My Profile page in My UI Info to update home address, phone number, and personal email address . Surs phone number

 Visit the My Profile page in My UI Info to update home address, phone number, and personal email address Surs phone number  Urbana-Champaign | Chicago | Springfield

SURS secure Member Website is the best tool to keep your personal information up to date. To register you must have a SURS Member ID number. To regain your SURS Member ID number: Call us at 800-275-7877 and press 5 or. Police/Firefighters have special rules that allow them to contribute 9. You can safely update your beneficiaries, address, email and. SURS: log on to your SURS Member Website. Who are Michael Surs’s colleagues? Some of Michael Surs’s colleagues are Maria DeCastro, Ross Rashkov, Todd Greene, Jessica O'Donnell. This includes participation in the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and two optional retirement plans: 403(b) and 457(b). surs. SURS will send you a Retirement Estimate Request form via U. Phone and Fax Numbers. City Colleges of Chicago - State Universities Retirement System (SURS) Emergency. To browse the portal as a guest, please tell us in which State of Illinois group insurance program you belong:System Offices: Contact System HR Services. Under Forms you will find the Name Change Form to complete and mail to SURS with supporting documentation including a copy of the marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order. University of Illinois Springfield. 312-553-2500. Currently, this contribution equals 1. Urbana-Champaign | Chicago | Springfield. Dial Toll Free: 800-275-7877, Dial Direct: 217-378. texas. State Universities. org. 1901 Fox Dr, Champaign, Illinois, 61820, United States. Members, please log into your member account to send an email. mail to your home address or via fax. Michael Surs’s headquarters phone number is (530) 898-6472 Which industry does Michael Surs work in? Michael Surs works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education. govPhone: 312-996-7200 (Dial full 7-digit phone number) Benefits Fax: 217-244-3135 Payroll Fax: 312-996-1932. State Universities Retirement System is part of the Education industry, and located in Illinois, United States. SURS will issue a Member ID number after receiving an Employment Certificate from your employer. 312-553-2600. Phone number; Birth date; Social Security number. Location. edu) will expire. 5 percent of gross earnings. l-**** Who is Lori Kern? Lori Kern is a Manager, Retirement Counseling at State. State Universities Retirement System 1901 Fox Drive Champaign, IL 61820-7333 . Dial Toll Free: 800-275-7877 Dial Direct: 217-378-8800. Contracts and Grants. Street Address. Ready to Retire? If you are at least four years away from retirement, you can schedule a counseling appointment by calling 1-800-ASK-SURS or 378-8800 in the Champaign. 312-553-2575 or *911. edu and @uillinois. State Universities Retirement System (SURS) State Universities Retirement System (SURS) Student Accounts. **Please note that an employee’s work email address (@uic. Visit the My Profile page in My UI Info to update home address, phone number, and personal email address . Mailing Address. Contracts and Grants. If the member was in the Traditional Plan, SURS will also need to know this information for:. Contact Us! For any other questions, call SURS at Dial Toll Free: 800-275-7877 Dial Direct: 217-378-8800Call SURS toll free at 800-275-7877 or dial direct at 217-378-8800. Faxes are not accepted. Name: Roberta M Surs, Phone number: (785) 537-2513, State: KS, City: Manhattan, Zip Code: 66502 and more informationProviders can contact the CSHCN Services Program using the following information: • Telephone toll-free at 1-800-252-8023 (may be used only in Texas) or the Austin local number at 1-512-776-7355 • Fax to CSHCN Services Program at 1-512-776-7162 or the Austin local number at 1-512-776-7238 • Send email to [email protected]. Office of Security. University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations. University 403 (b):If you began working for a SURS-covered employer on or after April 1, 1986, your employer is required to deduct contributions for Medicare from your gross earnings. 45 percent of gross earnings. 1901 Fox Drive Champaign, IL 61820. Urbana-Champaign | Chicago | Springfield. Urbana-Champaign | Chicago | Springfield. Fax: 217-378-9800 . State Universities Retirement System. Check your retirement estimates or any other piece of personalized written. Urbana-Champaign | Chicago | Springfield. Contact University. Members, please log into your member account to send an email. org . State Universities Retirement System (SURS) surs. Computer Help Desk. Continuing Education. Continuing Education. District Office. Phone: 217-378-8800 or 800-275-7877 Fax: 217-378-9800Contact University. State Universities Retirement System 1901. If assistance is needed with the application materials, contact a SURS Benefits Counselor toll free at 800-275-7877 or dial direct at 217-378-8800. You will speak to a SURS Benefits Counselor who will be happy to assist you in initiating the refund. S. 911. State Universities Retirement System (SURS) SURS Website. If you have. . Dial Toll Free: 800-275-7877, Dial Direct: 217-378-8800, Fax: 217-378-9800If you are at least four years away from retirement, you can schedule a counseling appointment by calling 1-800-ASK-SURS or 378-8800 in the Champaign-Urbana area.